How can you help a Shih Tzu cope with the summer heat?

As the summer months approach, the temperature rises, and the heat becomes more oppressive. For us humans, staying cool is crucial. But, it’s just as essential for our four-legged family members too. In particular, Shih Tzus, a breed known for its long, dense coat, might need some extra assistance to stay cool. So, how can you help a Shih Tzu cope with the summer heat? Here, we provide tips and tricks to make sure your pet stays safe, comfortable, and happy throughout the hot season.

1. Hydration is Vital

Just as with humans, hydration is key for dogs in hot weather. Your Shih Tzu needs access to fresh, clean water at all times. You might notice your pet drinking more frequently than usual, and that’s perfectly normal during the summer months. A good rule of thumb is to offer your dog one ounce of water per pound of body weight daily, but during these hot times, they may need even more.

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Make sure that your dog’s water bowl is filled throughout the day. A lot of dogs, especially smaller breeds like Shih Tzus, are prone to dehydration, so monitor them closely. If you’re out and about with your dog, bring a portable pet water bottle. There are also dog-friendly water fountains at some parks that can be a great help. Also, a couple of ice cubes in their water bowl can not only cool the water down but also provide a fun, hydrating treat.

2. Provide a Cool Environment

With the summer heat, the temperature inside your home can also rise significantly. Use air conditioning or fans to keep the temperature down. A cool floor can provide a great relief for dogs as they can lose heat through the pads of their feet. Tiles and hardwood floors can be especially cool. You can also invest in cooling mats for dogs. These mats are filled with gel that absorbs the body heat of the dog, helping them to cool down.

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In addition to the indoors, ensure your dog has a shady spot to relax in when they’re outside. If it’s too hot for you to be comfortable outside, it’s likely too hot for your Shih Tzu as well. If your dog enjoys water, consider a kiddie pool filled with cool water for them to splash and play in. Remember, never leave your dog alone in a car during hot weather. The temperature inside a car can rise quickly, leading to fatal heatstroke in pets.

3. Exercise in Cooler Times

Just like us, dogs also need their daily exercise. However, in the peak of summer, it’s best to avoid the hottest part of the day, which is usually between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Adjust your routine to ensure your Shih Tzu gets exercise during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening.

When you do walk your Shih Tzu, be mindful of hot pavement, which can burn your pet’s delicate paws. Try to stick to grassy areas or shaded paths if you can. If your Shih Tzu enjoys water, swimming is a great form of exercise that can also keep them cool. But don’t force them into the water if they don’t like it.

4. Grooming for the Summer

The dense, long coat of a Shih Tzu can make the summer heat more uncomfortable. Regular grooming can help manage this. While it might be tempting to shave your dog’s hair off in the summer, don’t. A dog’s coat is designed to protect it from the heat and sun. Instead, keep the fur trimmed and well-brushed. This will prevent matting and tangles and allow air to circulate better against the skin, helping to keep them cooler.

Make sure to check and clean your pet’s ears regularly. Dogs can sweat through their paw pads and ears, and a Shih Tzu’s long hair can trap that moisture and heat, leading to discomfort and possible infections.

5. Understand the Signs of Heatstroke

Despite your best efforts, there is still a chance your dog might suffer from heatstroke. It’s essential to know the signs, which can include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, and in severe cases, seizures. If your Shih Tzu shows any of these signs, it’s crucial to cool them down gradually and contact a vet immediately.

Remember, summer is a time for fun and relaxation, but it’s also a time to be vigilant about your pets’ health. With these tips, you can ensure your Shih Tzu stays comfortable and cool even in the summer heat. Enjoy the season, and stay cool.

6. Internal Measures to Lower Body Temperature

In hot weather, we humans can easily take measures to cool down our bodies internally, such as having a cold drink or eating ice cream. But what about our Shih Tzus? While it’s important to never give your dog anything with harmful ingredients—chocolate ice cream is a definite no-no—there are still ways you can help them cool down from the inside.

A fantastic way to keep your dog cool from the inside is by providing them with cold, refreshing treats. You can make homemade dog-friendly popsicles with ingredients like peanut butter, bananas, and yogurt. These are not only a healthy treat but also a great way to keep your Shih Tzu cool. You can also opt for store-bought dog ice creams, but ensure they are free from any harmful substances.

Another effective way to lower your dog’s body temperature is by feeding them a wet diet during hot days. Wet dog food naturally contains more water than dry food, which helps increase your dog’s water intake and thus, helps keep them hydrated. You can mix their regular dry food with some canned wet food or even add some low-sodium chicken broth to their meals. This can be a welcome change for your pooch, along with the added benefits of hydration and cooling.

Remember, maintaining a balanced body temperature is crucial for your pet’s health, especially during summer. Always monitor their behavior and look out for signs of discomfort or overheating.

7. Educate Others about Dog Care in Hot Weather

Educating others about the risk of hot weather on dogs is an excellent way to ensure the welfare of other dogs, not just your Shih Tzu. If you see a dog locked in a car on a hot day or notice a neighbor’s dog without proper shade or water, don’t hesitate to take action. Politely inform the person about the dangers of heatstroke and the importance of keeping dogs cool during the summer.

Join dog owner forums, local social media groups, or even strike up a conversation with fellow dog lovers in the park. Share your tips and tricks on how you keep your dog cool and safe in hot weather. You never know, you might also pick up some useful advice from others. Remember that responsible pet ownership involves not only taking good care of your pet but also helping others understand the importance of proper pet care.


Keeping your Shih Tzu safe, happy, and cool during the summer heat is not an impossible task with the right knowledge and tools. Hydration, cooling environments, proper exercise, grooming, understanding the signs of heatstroke, and internal cooling methods are all essential to ensure your furry friend’s comfort during those hot summer days.

It’s also important to share your knowledge with other pet owners to help reduce the risk of heatstroke and heat exhaustion in more dogs. After all, our pets depend on us for their wellbeing. As responsible pet owners, it’s our duty to ensure their safety and comfort in all weather conditions.

Enjoy your cool summer with your Shih Tzu, and always keep an eye on them during those hot days. With the right care, summer can be a fun and enjoyable time for both you and your pet.

